Treasure Island Realty

Noticias Inmobiliarias
10 consejos para comprar su casa o...
Comprar una casa o departamento es una de las decisiones emocionales y financieras más importantes que usted hará en su vida, y sin embargo, con sólo una vista que durará unos pocos minutos usted debe decidir si...
10 consejos para vender su casa o...
He aquí algunos consejos que le ayudarán a preparar y organizar una casa o departamento para su venta. Todo vendedor quiere vender su propiedad rápidamente y obtener el mejor precio posible. Así es, o no? Pero...

Descripción: Treasure Island Realty was founded by the husband and wife team of Edward and Laura Moulder. While searching for a potential retirement location and combining their love of SCUBA diving and the outdoors, Laura and Ed first discovered Roatan ten years ago. They fell in love with the island and after a one week visit purchased their first piece of property on Roatan. On subsequent visits and after making further investment in Roatan, Ed and Laura decided to make Roatan their full-time home. After purchasing “Bite on the Beach” Restaurant in West Bay, the Moulders moved their family to the island while maintaining their successful real estate business in Glendora, California. With nearly 20 years of combined experience in real estate sales, the Moulders have chosen to bring their expertise to the real estate community here. In 2004, Treasure Island Realty was formed. Founded on the principles of experience, education, honesty and integrity, the Moulders hope to create an atmosphere in which their clients feel fully informed and comfortable in their real estate decisions. It is also with great satisfaction that they have surrounded themselves with a few, select sales associates who are uniquely qualified and dedicated to these same principles.
Ubicación: Honduras, Islas de la Bahía, Islas De La Bahìa
Dirección: (West Bay), Islas De La Bahìa
Teléfono: (504)403-8054