Jaco Hills

Noticias Inmobiliarias
10 consejos para comprar su casa o...
Comprar una casa o departamento es una de las decisiones emocionales y financieras más importantes que usted hará en su vida, y sin embargo, con sólo una vista que durará unos pocos minutos usted debe decidir si...
10 consejos para vender su casa o...
He aquí algunos consejos que le ayudarán a preparar y organizar una casa o departamento para su venta. Todo vendedor quiere vender su propiedad rápidamente y obtener el mejor precio posible. Así es, o no? Pero...

Descripción: Jacó Hills consists of a total of 36 condominiums with 6 units on each of 6 floors. Each floor contains centrally located hallways with elevator access and trash disposal. At the front and rear of the complex there will be plant and flower gardens. Jacó Hills is a blend of two distinct architectures: “Mediterranean Style” which is a style evolved from the rekindled interests in Italian Renaissance palaces and also seaside Spanish villas dating from the sixteenth century, and The “Spanish Colonial Revival Style”, which was a United States architectural movement that came about in the early 20th Century after the opening of the Panama Canal and the overwhelming success of the novel Ramona. Based on the Spanish Colonial Style architecture that dominated in the early Spanish colonies of both North and South America, Spanish Colonial Revival updated these forms for a new century. Combining the best of both styles lends itself particularly well to the tropical climate of the Central Pacific Coast of Costa Rica.
Ubicación: Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Jaco
Dirección: Officinas Principales : Sabana Sur
Teléfono: (506) 291-3416